Procedure to visualize the I-CHART in ORS
This procedure indicated the visualization of data of I-CHART in ORS, any operation of each client
You would be to follow the following passages of ordered form. It is responsibility of the client to give to pursuit to the information contained in each i-chart. Managers is responsibility to advise to each client for the pursuit to the information contained in each I-CHART.
The project Managers would be to annex the data of inspection of all the operations
ORS Online Reporting System
1- Go to the page of Pentt Servicing Company, from the any Internet explorer
2- In the main page they appear two fields login: and password:. Login and password is provided by project manager. Ej: login: alpha, password: afx564
Press the
submit bottom
4- If the corresponding characters were placed you would go to the system “Online Reporting System”, otherwise they do not go to accede and you would repeat step 2.
5- If the data are correct, you could see on the screen all the operations of each client. In where it is described I number of operation the region of the operation, the name of the operation, company that been worth the operation, Supplier and OEM, as well as the date of beginning of the operation.
6- In order to visualize
the I-CHART of each operation, you colud push the bottom .
7- A screen with title main menu appers, with different bottoms who would see different views to the operation
8- In the screen main menu,
to select bottom, that sent us to
the screen of general performances of the operation. Which are the main
contacts of supplier, company in charge, oem, numbers of part and defects of
the operation.
9- At the end of the screen appears a button that sent us to the main menu
10- If we selected the button of the main
menu, this it sent us to the screen where show us, daily activity report, which
shows the daily events to us of the operation.
11- At the end of the screen appears a button that sent us to the main menu
12- In the main menu to
select the button , which sent us to the
screen to visualize the hours worked per day of each inspector assigned to that
13- At the end of the
screen appears a button that sent us to the main menu,.
14- If we selected to the
botooms or
they sent us to the
screen where we will observe the condensed ones of the operation by all the
numbers of part and all the defects.
15- When returning to the
screen main menu, we will be able to select each I number of part ,
, etc; you would be to
observe the fields that they indicated to us in behavior of each operation.,
according to each one of the numbers of part.
16- Repeat point 14 for each Part number from the operation.
17- You could consult previous months, this can be done from the main menu of capture of i-chart..
18- Exists an area identified like “to consult”. Here you could to select to the year and month to consult.
19- When selecting the month
and year, press the button , which positioned the
date of the selected system
20- The treatment to visualize each one of the screens of the month is the same to used for the capture, reason why debera to select each button of each screen.
21- If you require to visualize last operations press “operations”, which showed all the finished last operations to us. In which it indicated the date to us of beginning and finishing of each operation.
22- If we want to visualize
the operations we will press the button , this bottom is in
23- It shows the screen main menu, for which we will follow the indicaiones of steps 6 in ahead visualizing each screen of the operation that is wanted to visualize.
24- If it is wanted to go
out the system press of the main menu
and go out of the system completely.